About Us: Desi Bharat is an online shopping platform powered by Suvidha Swadeshi and dedicated to promoting the concept of Swadeshi Bharat Swasth Bharat. Because the progress of any country is possible only when every citizen of that country is imbued with the Swadeshi ideology, is self-reliant, self-sufficient and healthy. We believe in the power of traditional Indian practices and products to improve the lives of individuals and communities through locally sourced products to create a healthier and more sustainable future for our country.
Mission and Vision: Our mission is to empower local communities by promoting indigenous products and practices. We envision a Swadeshi Bharat where every person has access to high-quality, natural products that support a healthy lifestyle. Indifference towards Swadeshi, impure and toxic food, unhealthy body and unemployment are a serious problem for the country. If this problem is not resolved in the present, the future of the country can be even more dangerous. Therefore, we envision a future where every person in India gets the opportunity to live a vibrant and fulfilling life through the use of indigenous traditional practices.
core values:
Authenticity : We are committed to providing products that are true to their traditional roots and free from harmful chemicals or additives. We believe in providing our customers with the highest quality products, which are ethically and responsibly sourced.
Sustainability : We are committed to promoting sustainable practices that benefit both the environment and local communities across all aspects of our business, from ingredient sourcing to packaging and distribution.
Community: We believe in the power of community and work to support local artisans and farmers in India. We value relationships with our customers, suppliers and employees, and strive to create a sense of community within our organization.
Innovation: We are constantly looking for new ways to improve our products and services, while staying true to our traditional values.
Team: Our team consists of passionate people who are dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of our customers and promoting the values of Swadeshi India. From our sourcing experts to our customer service team, each member plays a vital role in helping us achieve our mission and vision. Every member of our team is committed to upholding our core values and mission.
'Deshi Bharat' has pledged to make every home indigenous, healthy and self-reliant. Any youth, woman, farmer, laborer can join this campaign and buy and sell products of daily use. Swadeshi products are available at high quality and low price on the online shop. If you are a manufacturer of any kind of product, then you can sell your products online through the Deshibharat.com website and earn extra profit.